Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Andy Summers vs Michael Greenfield

Fender has made an Andy Summers tribute telecaster guitar. It comes complete with all the scars, dings, and dents of Andy's regular guitar. Except the price is a little different. Andy paid one of his students a few hundred dollars for his guitar.

Fender is only asking $10,500 for a copy of it.

Sounds good to me. I will take two. Since Andy and I are such good friends. I could buy a few other Fender guitars for the price of one Andy Summers.

I own two Fender guitars at the moment. One Custom Shop Stratocaster and a Reissue Telecaster. I bought the Strat because it sounded and played well. The Tele I bought because very light weight ash is hard to find. The lighter the ash the better the sounding the telecaster. That is just my opinion. A heavy telecaster is easy to find. A light one is near to impossible. I only strummed one chord on it and I bought it from a friend of mine who works in a music store. He had set it aside for me when it arrived in the store and he had a chance to pick it up. He immediately called me.

They are the only two fenders that I have not sold a few months after i purchased them. And I have owned at least twenty or thirty Fender guitars.

$10,000 for something that you can make in your shed. People this is not and archtop or acoustic guitar that take months to build and large amounts of skill. It's a slab of ash or alder and some maple for the neck. The necks are bolted on for christ sake. Bolted, not even glued.

Michael Greenfield is an artist and you can buy one of his guitars for about the same money as the Andy Summers guitar. Please, buy one of Michaels before you buy anything like the AS guitar. Please. At least you will have something that was made by a craftsman.

Xmas gift crap

I got a game called "20 Q Music - Rock and Pop" by Radica. It should be from Crapica!

We have found it to be complete and utter crap.

Almost every time we think of a band name it answers Styx.

It has only gotten one right after asking 25 questions. The Eagles was the answer. Such an obscure band.

I didn't think that it was going to get that one at first. It has missed everything else.

So we have taken to asking each other the questions and guess what. We are able to guess the answer in less than 20 most of the time.

Other than's perfect.

My little Martha Stewart

We made our annual trip to Kmart this morning to get the jump on the 50% off sale on the Christmas Martha Stewart stuff.

It's better that buying her a present. Just watching her go through the piles of stuff is worth the trip. She finds all kinds of things and makes her plans for next years Christmas.

She won't buy anything unless it is on sale for at leas 30% off. 50% off----bonus.
70% off--------double bonus!

This year she scored and I save over $150 bucks baby.

Simple Trip

Shamoopie didn't want much for Christmas.

- New Kitchenaid 6 quart mixer -------------------------Check
- Under the counter player for her IPOD ----------------Check
- Trip to Target to use the bloodpressure machine-------No

Seriously---a trip to Target to use the blood pressure machine.

She is a funny one.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Shamoopie is pregnant and since she is pregnant she has invented many new, well Shamoopyisms.

One of my new favorites is her new feelings toward fruit. We got a case of oranges and grapefruit for Christmas. Shamoopie has only eaten two pieces because "she can't handle the disappointment".

The disappointment if you bite into it and it's bad. Bad fruit has been linked to depression. Not. She knows it's not logical but there will be no convincing her for a little while at least.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Not being alone

My new buddy does not like being alone. At all. Last night we left him alone for four hours to go to a Christmas party. He had his own party in his crate.

It was not a pretty site. He pulled Shamoopie's favorite comforter into his crate. It was not pretty. He also got my sweatshirt, a pair of pants, and his own blanket. He was mad, frightened, and crazy.

He bent the crate. pretty badly. Good thing we bought the strong one. Once we were home he was fine. He tried to act like nothing had happened. Looking at us like it was burglars that broke in and did it.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Black Dirt

Growing up my grandfather had a farm. I worked on it from the time I was eight years old. The dirt was black. He grew onions. Lots and lots of onions. On the farm we also had animals. We had dogs. Mostly retrievers like Gibson.

On the farm I almost lost my left middle finger in a belt on some farm equipment. Luckily I still have it. All you can see now is my split finger nail. I almost lost my life while driving a dump truck and the brakes went out. Mostly I weeded until I was old enough to go into the packing house. Then I drove a forklift or any other vehicle that I had to to get the job done. That was by far the best job. Driving. Until I was old enough there was no driving.. just moving onions.

In the winter we would get railroad cars of onions from Texas and Arizona. My job was to dig down to the bottom of the cars and pull one bag from the front of the car, the middle, and the rear. The FDA inspector would then open the bag and slice open a few onions to check for rotten onions or mold. If everything was fine I got to unload the whole car, one bag at a time. Remember that these are 100 pound bags. If I worked late my mother would bring my dinner to the packing house so I didn't starve to death. My grandfather acted like he didn't care if you lived or died. It took me a while to figure out that that was just an act.

I didn't figure out that it was an act until he had a really bad third heart attack. That's when they replaced his heart valves with parts of the veins in his legs. He was back on the farm in one month. He wasn't allowed to lift anything so my uncle sent me my grandfather. I was instructed to make sure that he didn't get into any trouble. Some job. He decided that we should take over the peeled onion deliveries. He would drive and I would .....well...move all the onions. The year before he had purchased a couple of onion peeling machines and wanted them to be used. They peeled the onions and put them into large fifty pound plastic bags. job was to move all the fifty pound bags. I was twelve. And I was told not to kill Pop. Everyone knew him as Pop.

My dad...Papa

My dad is not a difficult man to understand. Shamoopie and I took him out for his 74th birthday this past Sunday night. Papa likes him some food. If you put a plate of good food in front of him he can't talk or listen to a word that you say. All he can think about is the food. Until it is gone, you get nothing. He doesn't like fancy. We tried that last year and all we got from him was "what is that again?". He wanted Outback Steakhouse. Regular vegetables and meat. Big slabs of meat.

Shamoopie knows this and loves my dad. She is able to work around the not talking and not listening during good food time.

The man remembers every good meal that he has ever had. He can tell you about the Lobster Bisque that he had in Maryland and the Bloody Mary that he had in Maine. He also can tell you in excruciating detail, the best steak, best prime rib, best chicken, potatoes, green beans, yadda, yadda, yadda...

The best onion soup comes from ye Jolly Onion Inn. He loves the place. Hasn't been there in 20 years but according to him it's still the best.

That's my dad and you are not going to change him but who wants to?

Birth Center visit

Shamoopie and I went to the birth center. She informed you about the re-spite and my error in just looking at the pictures and not reading the captions. I was board anyway. She also talked about the teamster who kept asking food questions.

He was all over how he was going to eat. He did ask how long this usually takes and if they allowed smoking. The answer was "It's depends" and "No". Shamoopie and I both were happy about the smoking answer. I think she asked when they were due? Luckily it was soon. It's their third child. Thankfully they are reproducing because we need more people like that.

The teamster also spent the whole movie filling out a union complaint form. (They sat next to us)

The rooms are new and the whole experience really depends upon your nurse. The nurses were all too busy to give the tours so we had a Papa clone give ours. He mumbled and told us stories about how bad all his other tour groups were.

Pee present

Shamoopie told you about the tree pee. She failed to mention that Gibson also whizzed on something else.

He whizzed on the Smelse. Twice. She didn't move while he was doing it either. I guess he has claimed her also! :)

This does not make for a happy Shamoopie.

Now I have to admit that trying to house train a dog while you are praising him to pee on trees outside and scolding him when he goes on the trees inside might be a little confusing to the poor dog. Peeing on the Smelse is not being tolerated by the Shamoopie at all.

I had to clean the tree skirt and look for any missed pee. It was difficult not to laugh while I was doing that. He didn't pee on all the presents. He missed mine and Lovelys. What an awesome dog!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Chocolate Lab

Gibson is a great dog. He is catching on quickly. I have been walking him every morning and so far I have been able to stop him from just hunkering down and pulling on the lease until he chocks himself.

He is walking like a normal happy dog.

Today there was a first. He pooped on the walk. I did not have any bags. Not that anything other than a Hefty trash bag could have been used to pick this thing up. He did it in the road and it looked like a horse left it.

There is one small problem. We changed his food and he is a little stinky right now and when I say a little, I mean that he can drive a pig from the room. Guess who's chair he likes to sit buy? Mine. He is so sweet and just wants to be my little buddy but there is no warning, no sound. He just fires a deadly missile and it's coming straight for you.

Wow! He just fired another SCUD. He has is own weapons of mass destruction. I shall go walk him again. This time I shall grab a few Hefty bags.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

My new buddy

I have a new buddy. We picked him up today at the local Petsmart. I usually don't like to pick up animals of any kind there but the local shelter had brought them out. When he looked at me I could not resist.

We named him Gibson after the guitar company. They had named him Baldwin after the piano company. Gibson owns Baldwin pianos. Which are not very good pianos. But that is a whole other story.

He is a chocolate lab and it looks like he ran away from a hunter. We think that he is four years old and he loves the couch as you can see.

He is big, 90 lbs at least. He is a sweet as he can be. The girls seem to like him. The Princess thinks that he is fantastic . The Smelse is not so sure about him. She has informed him who is boss and so far he has complied. We will have to keep an eye on that relationship. The Smelse has been giving me looks like "I can't believe you did this" and "How could you?".

Smelse is the old lady of the house and has seen her share of dogs come and go. I named her Smelse because of her butt and breath.
You see Smelse is a poo eater. Sweet delicious poo. And the poo eatin affects her butt. It's silent butt deadly and will curl your nose hair. Other than that she is the perfect dog.

Lovely has the Princess. She sleeps with her on her bed and has been a great dog for her. Shamoopie has the Smelse. I now have Gibson. Awesome!

I feel bad about the fact that Smelse has issue with him but he follows me everywhere and I finally have a dog. Lovely has not seen him yet. She will go crazy when she gets back and sees him.

He has a crate and we are going to keep him in there since they were not sure if he is house broken. We will need to keep an eye on him. So far so good. Crate training it is.

He is such a pretty dog.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Holiday Santa

It that time of year when the world falls in love...

Wait that's a different post.

It's holiday santa time. Creepy holiday santa time. Take a look at this picture on the left. That little girl just looks worried and Santa looks creepy. Why would you want to be a holiday santa? I mean really. The pay is not great and you must deal with children. Other peoples children.

The guy on the right has learned how to deal with it. Drink. Drink until your drunk and then let the kid poop his pants on you.

You can't tell me that this guy doesn't look drunker that Randy Parton before one of his shows. Randy should work as a Santa this christmas. He looks the part in his news paper photos.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Guitar Center

Pretty soon Guitar Center will own all the internet music stores.

Musicians Friend = Guitar Center
American Musical = Guitar Center
Music 123 = Guitar Center
Guitar Trader = Guitar Center
Instrument Pro = Guitar Center
Guitar Tree = Guitar Center

How many stores do you need? I mean really. Where is the competition?

You should read what Mixerman has to say about Banjo Center. The story is quite entertaining.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Puppies on display

You have to love a woman who, while pregnant, points out another womens boobs. While the Shamoopie and I were out eating tonight she says "Hey, look over you left shoulder, check those puppies out".

Was she ever right, those puppies were on display. They looked like a small boy carrying two giant water balloons in his hands to a water fight. All smooshed, funny shaped, and looking like the boy might drop them at any moment.

What a woman my Shamoopie is and to think I almost missed that.

The Man Store

Many of you know that Shamoopie and I have been working on the house. Well most of the tools came from the Man Store. It's real name is Harbor Freight Tools but Lovely our eleven year old calls it Daddy's toy store or the man store.

It is truly heaven on earth for manly men who like tools and know how to use them. Now granted if I were doing home repair or construction for a living I would buy better tools. The nail gun that I have purchased for the floor is showing it's ge after only five floors. Is it dead It was having a little trouble with the last two floors but we are done now. Five floors complete and we didn't pay $500 for a flooring nail gun.

The finishing nail gun is another story. It might not make it. We have had to replace all the molding in this house and only the downstairs is even close to being done. The gun is jamming and leaking air. It's not doing so good. But for $40 I can buy a new one and have it last at least through the work in this house. I bought my finishing nailor with a 25% off coupon that came in the mail from Harbor Freight. Even with coupons and discounts from Home Depot their nailer prices don't even come close.

You decide Home Depot vs Harbor Freight.

The one thing that I didn't skimp on was my air compressor, Porter Cable contractor grade. Awesome.

I have my eye on this crown molding stapler, Shamoopie.

Shamoopie will tell you that I have big tools in the Man Shed.

To quote her "I am surprised how many tools it takes to do this." .

She's cute.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Got skills

I have blogging skills. Two people have given me an award --MadSkillz

Thanks Bubbllewench.

PBR. A shamoopie favorite.

I also finished the floor in the babies room. It looks awesome. Also got the changing table put together. The baby is due in January.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Kicked out

Randy got kicked out of his own theater today. There was no Randy Parto show at the Randy Parton Theater (RPT). The RPT has lost it's name sake.

Don't know who Randy Parton is? He's Dolly's brother. Thaht's who. He had one 45RPM record in the 70s. Don't you remember?

He's a star!

In 1981 he had another 45 called "Don't cry baby".

Not to be confused wih a cry baby. Which is something completely different and much more popular than Randy Parton.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Punjab and Lahore

This is a term for something that shall remain nameless. I thought that it was just a reference to something that someone made up. Apparently I am wrong again. It is also a town in Pakistan called Lahore Punjab. The city is named Lahore and is part of Punjab speaking province. Yes it is pronounced "La whore Poon jab" or maybe "Poon jab la whore". I get confused from laughing so hard.

I can hear the conversations now "where are you going?" "I am headed to see what is going on with Lahore and maybe talk some Punjab."

"Punjab" by the way is the name that Shamoopie gave to a a woman that thought that I was cute.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Stocking Stuffers

For Shamoopie xmas is all about the stocking stuffers. Last year she complained that all is did was buy some stuff and literally stuff them into the stocking. I need new ideas for this year. Stocking are small. Where can you get stuff?

Thirty nine dollars

If you use the white pages online to look up phone numbers and they can't find a listing for the name you typed in the will send you to a search page.

I was looking for Shamoopie in the white pages and I informed her that is was only $39 for me to find her. She looked at me and proceeded to inform that that for $39 she would wave her hands and shout at me that she was right here. :)

She is one funny Shamoopie.

Old friends

So...this weekend stated weird. Sort of. Friday night Shamoopie and I ran into my old college roomate "Pain in the Bass". I said " Hi, Pain in the Bass" and he said " and you are?". Well that was a shocker. He figured out who I was after a few moments but it was a shock to me. I introduced the Shamoopie and asked if he still lived with his mother. He did not live with her anymore, she was dead. He now lives alone in the house and is fixing it up. That's why he was in the store.

Shamoopie could not believe that he and I were the same age. That's when I told her that I was older than Pain. Shamoop enjoyed the stories that Pain told about me.

So the next day we went to a high school bazaar and who do we see there? Hoss. He is an old guitar playing buddy of mine. When Hoss got off the road with BJ Thomas we formed a country band. Shamoopie said you played "Country". Shocking I know. Hoss asked if I was still playing, I told him yes. The last time Hoss saw me was at a record company party where he and I played with some Nashville producers and others. Hoss used to play in a band called Heartwood before he played with the "Beege" as he called him. Hoss would say that he played with him during the limp wristed years.

I enjoyed playing with the Hoss man and his brother B the bass player. It gave me some funny stories. Now Hoss has a new band. We got to hear all about it. I am glad to hear that he is still playing.

Shamoopie quickly figured out that Hoss is a character. Since he told the story to her about the time he had a vasectomy and asked me to come over and mow his lawn because he was laid up, in pain, and had lost his manhood. The funny part is, I did it. I mowed his lawn because he had a vasectomy.

Hoss kept asking me why I haven't called. Maybe I will now as long as he doesn't need his lawn mowed. Come to think of it, my mower is broken, I wonder what Hoss is up to. He also informed Shamoopie about his addiction to Reeses Cups and how they are just like crack.

So far it has been an interesting weekend. I can't wait to see who we see tomorrow. :0

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Another rip off...maybe

Once again it's time for Will Smith to rip off or shall we say 'remake' an old movie or TV series. This time it's remake of 'The Omega Man' that starred Charlton Heston. Charlton played Robert Neville from the book of the same name. This is the fourth time the movie was made.

I am waiting to see if it will be any good. I will wait until it's released on DVD. My prediction it will have a short run in the theater and then straight to DVD. Just an educated guess formed from viewing Will's previous efforts.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Xmas dog

The setter had a good day today while we were working hard setting up the xmas trees. Yes I ment to make that plural. We had to buy two real trees for xmas. That's a whole other post.

While Nat King Cole was singing the setter looked like this.

While Harry Connick Jr. was singing the setter looked like this.

Then we put on Sarah Mclachlan and the setter really got stressed.

I hope the police don't arrest us for dog abuse. :) What a life. My pillow, my blanket, xmas music, and the couch.

Monday, November 19, 2007

my new dog

Shamoopie's dog has been laying by me all night. She says that Pupstar loves me. She may be right. Pupstar has been laying at my feet and passing gas. It's been awesome. :) Smelly but awesome.

Friday, November 16, 2007

His sisters is bigger...

Did you know that Randy Parton has his own theater. Yes it's true Who is Randy Parton you ask? Well doesn't everyone know? He's Dolly's younger brother. That's why he is famous. His sister has Dollywood and he has the Randy Theater. Awesome but Dollywood is a little bigger.

Here is the story. The town of Roanoke Rapids North Carolina put up $15 million or so to build him a theater so he can perform and draw large crowds. It's hard to figure out how much really went into this theater from the press releases. But the story is making news and Randy is trying to get some publicity.

The plan was flawless except for some unknown reason the theater is not selling out everyday and the ticket prices are only $25 to $34 each. Imagine that! So little to see a country legend like Randy Parton. Now some people in the town are upset because Randy is making somewhere between $750,000 and $1.5 Million a year, depending upon who reports it.

I want a theater. Not for me for Shamoopie and all we need is $10 million. I will only make $500,000 a year. That's all. A bargain. So I am starting the Shamoopie Theater fund and we are accepting donations or if you know of any towns that would like to build her a theater, just let me know.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My wife is sooooooooo hot

My wife is so hot. Pregnancy has not paused her hotness. She may be even be hotter. She is sooooo hot that a guy in camouflage hit on her at Panera Bread while our internet was down.

Now that's one hot woman.

I removed Vista yesterday

I removed Vista yesterday from Shamoopie's computer so it will run her music applications. What a pain.

Computers don't come with floppies anymore and you will never guess what is required for a driver update while installing XP? Yep, hit F6 and load your drivers in the floppy drive. Wait, this computer doesn't have a floppy drive. You bastards. So what do you do?

I went to Tiger Direct and bought a USB floppy drive. Worked like a charm. I also found a usb mount for my old laptop drive that I saved from my busted laptop. That was cool and it was only $10. Now I have a small, portable, 60M usb drive instead of just throwing the whole thing out. It was an old Acer that got really hot and the battery died in two seconds of it being unplugged from the wall. The screen went out and there was no sense in fixing it.

If the music programs ran on linux I would have installed that in a second. But they only run on XP and don't run on Vista. Shamoopie has Finale which seemed to work. What didn't work was the Steinberg products, Wavelab, Cubase, and all the Sibelius products like compass. I tried loading their patch and all it did was stop the program from crashing. It never allowed multiple users to access the program.

There were just too many issues with programs that already were working on XP. The Vista home premium looked nice but wasn't worth messing with. Shamoopie needs to use it now not six months from now when they work some of this out. What really sticks is they want to charge you if you don't have a copy of the install cd for XP. I have four and only one working computer right now so I was covered. If not I would have had to buy a copy. Some how I thnk that they planned this. Like Bill needs more money. :)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Bamboo bamboo

Bamboo, bamboo, nothing but bamboo. Shamoopie and I have been fixing up our house. We bought it for the location, not for it's interior. It had old vinyl floors and nasty dog pissed carpet. So for the last month we have been replacing the flooring. So far we have done the music room, kitchen, and the dining room. Today we did the living room. It was by far the toughest room and it has left me exhausted.

Wednesday we begin tiling the entry way. Then we are done with downstairs.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Old people suck at the symphony

Tonight we had tickets to the symphony. There was no one there under the age of 50 besides us. Old people smell. Forget the cute little old ladies that you see on tv. There were no golden girls at this event. The ones that didn't smell like they bathed in perfume smelled like Bengay and Old Spice.

Shamoopie had to go to the bathroom and one old woman almost knocked her down to get there first. She pushed a pregnant woman to the ground so she could be the first to pee. Awesome. Next time granny wear your depends.

On the way out all we heard was complaining about the two twentieth century pieces that were played. They were the only good pieces. The tuba and the flutes were out of tune for the other piece. Old people can't tell when things are out of tune because they are wearing hearing aids. They gave the las piece a standing ovation. They didn't give Branford Marsalis a standing ovation for his part of the second piece. The old people probably didn't even know who he was.

Then while we were trying to drive out of the parking lot the same people that were complaining about the music tried to race us to the light and cut us off in there Subaru Forester. This guy who looked like he was ninty wanted to drag race us. Shamoopie was laughing so hard while she was looking at the guy I guess he changed his mind. Or maybe it was the fact that I revved the engine and it growled at him. The car is pretty loud and it's supercharged. :) Either way the Shamoop got a good laugh out of it.

No more Saturday night concerts at the symphony. We are only going on Friday nights from now on.

Shamoop pointed to one old guy and said..."Hey he looks like a game show host". I told her " yeah a dead one". He did too, not kidding.

A good day

I almost took Shamoopie to the beach this weekend. Lucky for her there was a hurricane coming to shore because she got a surprise baby shower instead. She was very surprised and loved all the things that she received. I can say this because I had to be shown each and every one of the gifts that she got at the shower, twice.

It wasn't until I told that I must finish laying the floor in the dining room that she let me get back to work.

I would like to say thank you to all the people who made things and or gave things for the shower. :)

Shamoopie had a good day.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Namaste Mofo

Shamoopie is laughing but she is a little upset that I have taken to saying "namaste mofo" as a greeting to people. I use the full term and not the abbreviated version. I think it pretty much sums up my attitude lately.

From Wikipedia 'Taken literally, it means "I bow to you". The word is derived from Sanskrit (namas): to bow, obeisance, reverential salutation, and (te): "to you"

Mofo is a common insult and profanity in American English and in other varieties of the English language. The term, widely viewed as an obscenity, may be used by some in a neutral, or even positive way... Frank Zappa's band, The Mothers of Invention, were originally called The Mothers (shortened term for ...mofo...), but their record label refused to publish them under that name, and so it was changed.'

Since Frank was involved, I am thinking that it's all good since you can take it in a positive way.

Speaking of Frank I want to name the bird as he would have. Somethink like moonunit, dweezil, and what ever the other one was. He changed his name later in life. So I am thinking something like Fender, Gibson, Gretsch, PRS, or maybe Floyd Rose. :)

Speaking of Bridezilla's

A woman at work wanted a guitarist to play for her rehearsal dinner. She asked me if I would play classical guitar, that her future husband wanted classical guitar. I declined but said that I would help her find someone.

I declined politely because when women get married and have all the pomp and circumstance that goes with a large wedding most of them become bridezillas. It's usually a temporary condition but sometimes not. I feared the worst in this situation. I recommended a friend of mine who is a four time Segovia competition winner and took a few lessons from Segovia himself. That's the person that they are going with. The rehearsal dinner is carolina barbecue. It's pork with a vinegar based sauce with classical guitar on the side. I was not aware of this when I gave her his number. I was thinking st down dinner not barbecue buffet with coldslaw.

The poor bastard. I will call him wen it's all over and see if he is still talking to me. My point is that the man has toured the world and trained for years to play really complex pieces of music to end up playing for a group of people who are eating barbecue and drinking. They will think that he's pretty good and someone may actually notice just how good he is. Maybe but I doubt it very much because it's all about the bride and her zillaness and not about the the guitar player who has worked his ass off for years.

Either way I am out of it ans ooooooh so glad that I don't do weddings anymore and that I have a job that fun and pays the bills.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Better Business Bureau Time

The BBB is worthless and I can prove it. I filed a complaint against the BBB itself with itself after the refused to change the way a complaint was closed. I filed a complaint against Leith, a car dealer here. They held my car hostage when I asked them to inspect the car. They refused to do the inspection unless I bought a new set of tires. I told them to inspect the car anyway and fail it so I don't get a ticket for having a an expired vehicle inspection. They refused. Long story short they didn't inspect it and I got tires somewhere else for $600 less than they were asking for the same tires. Then took the car somewhere else for an inspection.

In the reliability report it states that my complaint was unreasonable so they removed it. Here is the BBB Reliability report. There was nothing done except to try and get as much money from me as possible that day.

Administratively Closed

1 - BBB determined that despite the company's reasonable effort to address complaint issues, the consumer remained dissatisfied.

So I filed a complaint against the Better Business Bureau with the BBB and this is how they answered my complaint.

So this would not have made me so mad except for the fact that I had a complaint filed against me and the BBB acted just a little different. I am not a member. Unlike the people I filed against who have been members for years.

I have a letter from them stating that they have removed my name, address, and telephone number from their website. It's still there.

The woman who filed the complaint removed her complaint before the BBB even contacted me. They tried to take credit for the resolution. They have at least removed stopped that.

The response is funny. Not surprising. Just funny. Read it for yourself. In my complaint against them I asked that they disclose how they treat members and non-members and issue a public apology. Notice that I got none of that. None. Just a big fat excuse again and no action.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Dumb dog

Shamoopie has a dog. The dog had a birthday today. This dog is one of the smartest dogs that I have ever met.

One thing that the Shamoop left out of her story is that Pupstar hides behind me when there is a noise or sound that she doesn't like. She runs to me and either gets behind me or jumps up on my lap. Pupstar is a lot of things but she is not a protector.

She is a lot of fun and she will chase that stupid pink ball of hers. Her favorite word is "Hungry". You say it and you have her undivided attention. If you say "Pink Ball" her tails starts to wag and she will run and find it. The word "play" will get you a toy to play tug of war. If you ask her to show you where a person is and call them by name shell will walk to them or look at them. The dog knows family members by name. Sometimes it's just not right. That's how I fell for the trick Shamoopie and she pulled on me. It wasn't hard to take the next step. Until one day I caught them. I asked Pupstar a question and Shamoopie could not get behind me fast enough. The game was over at that point. It take me a while to figure it out. Much longer that I would have liked. :)

I am sure that Pupstar will just love the baby once he arrives. She will find a new source for food and nolonger be "Hungry". Well maybe not.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Crazy GTI driver

I was on my way to work and was passed by a guy in a VW GTI like I was standing still. Then I watched him weave in and out of traffic for about a mile until the road turned. When I got near work the he was at the front of the intersection and I was two cars behind him.

The light turned green and he started to take off. The car behind him took off and at twice his speed and slammed into his rear end. So 10 minutes before he was driving way too fast and at the red light he was driving way too slow. Now his new GTI was wrecked.

The Chinese girl that hit him got out and told him that there was no damage. He didn't buy it and got out anyway. Good thing he did. It was bad. She gave it a nice try. A great effort but no luck. He made her follow him. While they were doing that a big white van made his own lane down the middle of the road between our two lanes and almost hit me.

What a morning.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

My Shamoopie

My little Shamoopie wrote a beautiful post about Liam Finn. She did however get one thing wrong and won't admit it. The guitar was a telecaster and not a stratocaster. That's all I have to say about that. :)

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Quality meds

I am really glad that I can still get Quality Meds, Rolex copies, and hoochie mamas.

You see the amount of spam that I have been receiving has gone up drastically in the past month. It has all been the same three things. Quality meds, fake rolex watches, and lonely women with strange names who are all home alone and want to talk to me. It's good to be me....not. Who is falling for these things? The only thing that we could come up with at work was that is must be old people with computers.

The new plan to fight spam is to take away all the computers of anyone who can be a member of AARP. This seems like a very reasonable plan. Old people and anyone with a myspace acount who is over the age of 40 because they are just losers and/or pervs.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

My first interview

I had my first phone interview today from a woman who asked me where I thought that the industry was heading. She asked me and is going to publish what I said. Of course I told her "In the toilet". Just kidding. I answered all of her questions as best I could and as truthfully as I could. Can't wait to see what she heard me say.

My boss says that I will be doing this more and more in the coming months.

During the interview all that kept coming to mind was the movie "Groundhog Day" and the line Bill Murray said, "I'm a god. I'm not *the* God... I don't think."

Then I would hear "You're not a god. You can take my word for it; this is twelve years of Catholic school talking. " Still not sure why I was thinking of this.

Pay 2 park

I have to pay to park at work. It's about $90 a month. Today I got a ticket for parking in my spot. I drove a different car and had the sticker in the car. They don't have it as a registered vehicle so I got a $50 ticket for parking in my parking spot.


It is going to take me at least a week to figure out how to clear this up. Oh joy of joys.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Johnny Depp would be proud, maybe not...

Arrrrr. My polly want me to talk like pirate today. Avast yeah. I have nothing to say and nothing to swash or buckle.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Pregnancy Brain

I never thought that it existed. But it does. It's a condition that affects a woman when she gets pregnant.

Shamoopie has been making me my lunch since I started my new job. She did a great job of including variety and nutrition. Until she got pregnant that is.

So today I get my lunch and I eat my sandwich. It was good. Nothing special. The chips were nice and so were the carrots. I even got some banana bread that she made yesterday. That was great. So I decided to eat my raspberries for snack at 2pm. I like an afternoon snack.

I went to the coffee shop and bought a soda. On my way there I called shamoopie and thated her for the nice lunch and asked how her day was going. When I got back to my desk I tried one of the raspberries and it didn't taste right. So like the genius that I am I tried another. I had to spit it out. I then took a closer look at all the raspberries. They were rotten.

In the trash they went. It did remind of the time a few weeks earlier when I open my lunch and found a granola bar. Not much else, just a partially eaten granola bar. I went out for lunch that day and when I got home I asked Shamoopie if she was mad at me. She said "No, why do you ask?" I don't know maybe it was the fact that you gave me a half eaten granola bar for lunch. She just started laughing and said that she was sorry and that it wasn't for my lunch it was left over from her lunch the day before and she was wonder what had happened to it.

Hense the proof that pregnancy brain does exist. When I got home tonight I asked her when she had purchased the raspberries and she said "oh about a week or two ago. We have more.... see. Why do you ask?" I asked he to look at them and all she could say was "yoooooooo...yuck".

Again pregnancy brain. A non-pregnant Shamoopie would not have that reaction.

She is still adorable.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Craig's list

Shamoopie complains about Craig's List. I don't know why?

The people never show up unless you are giving something away and even then they want to argue with you about it. One of my friends had some book shelves that he was giving away. A guy calls him up and says that he wants one of the shelves. My buddy gives him the dimensions and tells him that they are heavy. The dud says no problem and shows up with a Chevy blazer.

The Blazer is not the largest SUV on the market and the guy spend two hours trying to load the shelf into the blazer. Two hours later he finally gives up and says that his buddy has a pickup truck and he will be back tomorrow and he leaves my buddy to drag the thing back into the garage.

He comes back the next day with the Blazer, again and trys to load the bookshelves into it again. Like to today the universe will be in alignment and he will succeed! Not. After an hour he gives up again and leaves.

This time my buddy get out the chainsaw and just cuts it up so the trash man would take it.

Craig's list only a genius can use it and Shamoopie!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

See no?

Didn't get a really good picture of this but the basic sentiment is there. The line See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil. The people who made this forgot about the see no part.

It's hear no, hear no, and speak no evil. The best part about this is that it was on display at a local community college. Really. A community college.

Apparently the see a whole lot of evil at the school and would like to remind everybody about it. Shamoopie and the Dude had a gig at the school this past weekend and I got to roam the halls while they played. This is what I found. Folk art, sort of.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Car repairs

So the Mercedes needed some general maintenance done. That's my car. It's a convertible. As it should be. We got a coupon in the mail from the dealership to do the service at what appeared to be a discounted some what normal price.

So Shamoopie makes an appointment and they offer a rental car if we drop it off during the day before 8am. Sounds good right?

Wrong. The rental car is just that a rental from one of the local rental places. They drive me to the place and the only car they have is a big white minivan. So I decline and they offer to drive me to more places until I get a car that suits me. Great, I get to waste all my time to get a car that should have been ready for me in the first place. It should have been at least a car that most people would drive. So I have them drop me off at the house and I drive the volvo. Yes the Volvo was a better choice than a beat up smelly minivan.

Then it gets better. The car needed an inspection. So the inspection was also scheduled. I get a call as soon as I get to work that they won't do an inspection since the tires are bad. I told them that they needed to do it anyway and fail it since you get 30 days to fix it and get it inspected again for free. But it means that you get the sheet of paper that says you attempted it so you won't get a $50 ticket for not having your car inspected. They still would do it because the car would fail. The only way that they would do the inspection is if I paid $1100-$1500 for four new tires. So I told her to stop the service which was supposed to take four hours to do since they were doing so much. She said she would and hung up.

I then get a call at 3:30 Pm from her telling me that the service was performed anyway because it was completed before she called me at 9am. Which either means that she lied about how long it take or lied about telling them to stop. Either way she lied. I was also informed that the service would be $400 that the coupon was only the starting point and because of my car the charge was more. But she did offer to take some money off since I didn't get the rental car that I was promised. Awesome.

So much for having a nice car. I am driving the Volvo until it stops.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The car stinks

Shamoopie has a post about her Volvo and how much she loves it. What does she drive? Not the Volvo. The car stinks. Literally it stinks. The inside smells differently depending upon the day. It ranges from a nice musty smell to old drunk urine. It pulls to the left. The turbo is out and now it is doing something weird at traffic lights. I can't even describe it.

The problem is that the road I have to take to work is bad. There is construction and people drive crazy. The Volvo is almost indestructible. It's a tank. It drives like a tank, corners like a tank and people tend to get out of it's way for fear of being hit. In that aspect only, it's awesome.

So I am thinking about a few upgrades for the old girl.

Maybe a panther wing like this:

Or maybe some spinners like these:

What do you think? She is looking a little dated.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Not easy being me

As I have said before. It's not easy being me. Well one of us was wrong and the other was right. I am not going to say who was right but you need to see what Shamoopie is posting about "The Bird".

Remember who called it first. Me. That's who.

gloat..gloat...gloat...and oh yes.....GLOAT.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

My art

Remember. It's all about me. Me, me, me, me and oh

If you are truly narcissistic you can have art made out of your DNA, sort of.

These people will send you a kit to allow you to take a swab of your mouth and then they will make art out of it to make your room decor. I would like to see Sherwin Williams beat that! Then you will have something else to talk about besides yourself. Oh wait, I will still be talking about me when I talk about my new painting.

I wouldn't want my DNA. I wonder if Britney would submit to a swab? Or maybe Justin? :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Begonias and pineapple

Not so long ago I was complaining to Lovely that she was getting too old and that I couldn't fool her anymore. All that changed one day while we were at one of Shamoopie's gigs. Shamoopie plays in a new age band which brings out the blue hairs in droves.

Lovely and I were sitting together to watch the show with the audience. Usually we watch the show from backstage or the side of the stage but this time we sat in the audience since it was an outdoor show.

During the show Lovely turns to me and says "I smell pineapple". I turned to her and with a straight face told her that was the old people sitting to our left in the shade of the trees. She questioned me once and I answered her back with a question. "What direction is the smell coming from?" She said "Over there". I asked and what is over there and she said, "old people". So she agreed that old people could smell like pineapple. I also tried to convince her that sometimes they smell like Ben Gay or peppermint but she wasn't so sure about that but she did witness the pineapple smelling old people.

Later after the gig we were discussing it again in the car on the way home and of course Shamoopie wounld not let it ride that old people smelled like pineapple. She had to spill the beans. Shamoopie was the one who ruined my begonias by telling Lovely that begonias don't have a smell. I had Lovely convinced that my gas smelled of begonias, well sort of.

Anyway, I was happy that I still was able to convince Lovely of something even if it was only for a short time.

Granny Dancing

I have coined a new term. "Granny Dancing" or "Granny Dancin" which ever you prefer.

What it refers to are the moves that older women do at shows when they can't get down and shake it anymore. There was an enormous amount of it at the show. Most of the women were over 40 and some looked to be in their 50s at least.

They kind of move back and forth and side to side in their "space" and never really doing much of anything. Like I said there were many of them there and they seemed to run in packs. Like at one time they all went to see Styx and now that the children have left home they are out to party like it's 1999. Wait a minute that was Prince.

Some of them actually brought their children. It was strange and wonderful to see all at the same time. They move like they are afraid that they might break a hip.

Well anyway, I call it Granny Dancing. You will know it when you see it. Whenever older women start dancing to the music by themselves.

The rest of the show

I became so overwhelmed by the Davis Spade aspect of the show that I forgot to comment on the rest of it.

Foreigner was by far the best act. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that there was only one original member in the group. The rest of the guys were much younger than the guitarist Mick Jones. They could all sing and play. The keyboard player should not have taken his shirt off. It just looked, well there is no other way to say it, gay. He looked gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that. The band just sounded great. The lead singer might be a love child of Steven Tyler because he looks just like him.

Styx played well and they sounded like, Styx. The keyboard player looked and sounded like a leprechaun. Other than that a great campy Styx show.

Def Leppard. The main act. Had all the lights and all of the sound system. They sounded like crap. Joe Elliot blew his voice out on the second song. I think he was just out of breath. The dude is fat and looks really out of shape. His "job" is to be a rock star. That's his job. I think that when they are off the road he hits the Ben & Jerry's a little hard. The guitar players should keep their shirts on. By song number two one of them had his completely off and the other had his open all the way down. Shamoopie says that Joe could never really sing and that his being out of shape just makes that worse. I expected better from the headlining act. We left early.

I have decided that to be a rock guitarist you must be in shape and take your shirt off. You don't really need to be able to play. Just be able to walk around with your shirt off.

It was great to see a one armed drummer and I must applaud the fact that they stuck by him after he had his accident. He seemed to play well but I have to admit that the there was not anything difficult being played on the drums.

As Meatloaf said"Two out of three ain't bad".

Monday, August 27, 2007

David Spade of Rock and Roll

OK. Shamoopie and I went to see Styx tonight as part of the show they did with Def Leppard and Foreigner.

At the Sytx poing in the show Shamoopie and I turned to each other and said "The David Spade of Rock and Roll". Tommy Shaw looks like David Spade, only of Rock and Roll. They might even be the same person.

Here is our proof.



Take a good close look. This is conclusive evidence that the two of them are in fact the same person. Think about it. You never see them together. They are both little guys with blond hair. Your honor, we rest our case. God bless America. :)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Ford Focus drivers and others

Having a relatively long commute, (at least for this area) I have noticed a few "trueisms" about drivers and their vehicles.

People who drive the Ford Focus just don't care and seem to be really pissed off. This is the third day in a row that someone driving a Ford Focus (different car and different people each day) has swapped lanes and driven like a lunatic while I was driving home. They are driving a piece of crap and want to prove to you that it's not, so they drive really fast. I guess they figure that the cops will take pity on them since they are driving a Ford Focus?

BMW drivers always want to be in front of you and will cut you off at the drop of a hat. The same with SUV drivers.

All minivan drivers think that they are driving a Porsche. They are not. But they think that they are or are dreaming about driving a Porsche while behind the wheel of their minivan.

No matter what lane I am in on the interstate, it seems to be the one that everyone wants to be in. It's the "in" lane. I get in one lane and I stay there. If the lane stops. I stop and wait for it to start moving again. It usually does as soon as the guy in front of me gets out of it.

Back to the Ford Focus driver. All the lanes stop at one point where traffic merges and there is a big lane shift for people to exit and go in different directions. It's not a good design. People in the right had lane are going left and people in the left hand lane are going right and there is a large traffic group merging into this shift all at the same point. The lane that I was in was where Mr. Ford Focus wanted to be because my lane happened to be moving so he cut in front of me eating up all of the cushion that I had placed there in case my lane stopped. Traffic stopped right after he got in the lane but I had already backed off of him enough to stop long before I even came near him. So now our lane stopped moving. He somehow sped up and cut back into the lane he came from when it started moving again. My lane immediately started moving and his stopped. He was pissed. A woman did the same thing the day before and she was also driving a Ford Focus.

We are all going to get there people. It's a packed highway and all the lanes will move like an inchworm. That's just the way this traffic thing works. Too many cars for one highway slows them all down.

Traffic clears after this intersection and then comes the charge of the minivans. They speed up and go as fast as their engines will go to pass you to get to the next traffic point where everything comes to a halt again.

And so it goes like this every day on the the way home from work. People don't seem to be in a much of a rush to get to work in the morning. The drive much slower. Also the traffic opens up on the way to work at all the same points it closes down on the way home. Another great plan by the traffic engineers.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

And Crypt Keeper will rock...

Van Halen is going out on the road but Dave has already been out there and acting wacky. He performs Jump on the Late, Late, Late Show.

You really need to see this people if you are thinking about going to see Van Halen. There was a whole CD of this crap made in 2006. John Jorgenson was leading the charge. I am now glad that I sold his signature guitar. It's worthless now.

Dave does look a lot like the Crypt Keeper. Take a good look people. That's all I am saying.

Still my hero

Look, Bill Murray has been know to do a few crazy things in the movies. Who knew he was not acting? Not me. So he decides that he needs a drink and doesn't want to drive a car. He take a golf cart instead. It's Sweden for Christ sake, what are you supposed to drive a Volvo?

I love this guy. He should have drove the Winnebago instead. :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Business in the front and party in the back.

Shamoopie and I tried to go to a Def Leppard, Styx, Foreigner concert tonight. We got rained out. After following two Cameros into the show, we made our way to our seats.

On our way in I noticed all the left over mullets. I guess the saying from the eighties was "business in the front and party in the back". All I can say now is that business isn't looking so good. When is it time to ditch the mullet you had? Maybe when all the hair on the top of your head is gone? Maybe? Well maybe not for a good number of the men at the show.

We booked it out of there as soon as the show was canceled. The mullet men had been drinking for a few hours and may not have been ready to drive home yet. We didn't want to chance it. So we followed two pickup trucks out the of the parking lot to go look at baby furniture and get some ice cream at Ben & Jerry's.

To sum up the evening....
"Babe, a nice evening but I was waiting for a girl like you to stop bringin on the heart break. It became urgent due to the hysteria that the lady, a former Miss America, caused with the renegade Mr. Roboto."

There I have already said too much. :) I must go and cut off my mullet, get in my Camero and drive off into the sunset. Listening to "Come Sail away".

Monday, August 20, 2007

Barry White

So at work the ladies like to listen to the radio. I don't mind it at all myself. Today I got a little punchy after programming a program that would make anyone punchy. Barry White comes on the radio and he says. " Yeah baby when we made love and make love...." I said in my best Barry White impersonation "I make a sandwich".

They found no humor in this and shut off the music station and turned on NPR. Man am I in trouble again.

Now what's wrong with making a sandwich? Barry? Help me out.


A new thing to loath

I have found a new thing to loath. Windows Vista.

Shamoopie needed a new computer for the school so we bought one at Costco. It's a nice HP with dual processors and two gigs of ram. Sweet. Running Xp this thing would kick ass. Instead this thing runs Vista...oh joy.

I thought that the Mac commercials were joking. They were not. You must answer okay every time a program trys to write to your hard drive. I mean EVERY time. Some of her XP programs won't run and others will run but won't shutdown.

My first thought is to wipe the thing and start over with XP. I just may do that this weekend. Then wait until they fix the bugs in Vista and upgrade, maybe. Vista didn't recognize my network card. I use a strange off brand....not. It's a Linksys, only one of the most widely used cards out there. How do you not have drivers for it. Then it wouldn't load the drivers even after I put them on a memory stick. Finally I installed the card and tried to connect to the network. Vista couldn't figure out my security setting so I finally did it all by hand. It tried for a few minutes then just closed the window without and notice as to what just happened.

Remember that memory stick that I used to download the Linksys drivers. About ten minutes Vista tried to format the stick on it's own and failed. I was using the stick at the time and then Vista wouldn't read it anymore. Stuck it back into an XP box and all the data was still there and you could read and write to it just fine.

At some point I will buy a book on Vista and find out why all these things are happening. Until I believe I shall avoid it like the plague.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Worst movie ever

Nicholas Cage is a good actor. I loved him in "Raising Arizona". The last movie I saw of his was "National Treasure". It was a good movie. The whole family enjoyed it. This movie was by far the worst movie ever.

Even worse than the last Jim Jarmusch movie I saw. Which by the way, Jim you still owe me $15 for that movie.

The movie I am talking about is "Wicker Man". It should have been named "Shit Man Don't Watch this Movie". After ten minutes Shamoopie and I looked at each other and said "This better get better." It didn't.

The ending was the worst part and the fact that I sat through the whole thing to get to it just pisses me off.

Monday, August 13, 2007

One of us is wrong...

Shamoopie syas that the bird is a girl. I say that the bird is a Larry. So, one of us is wrong.

I am already anticipating having "man days" with him just like her brother has with his youngest son. Cheetos, cartoons, sugar soda, and spiderman pants. Maybe even some "Walker Texas Ranger" or Clint Eastwood, when he gets older.

Lovely and Shamoopie want a little girl. We even have girl dogs. I need another y chromosome around here!

In this, I am alone. :( It's not easy being me.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

It's a cruel, cruel joke

The damn boxes look the same except for the fact that there is a light yellow stripe. I am talking about regular Diet Mountain Dew and what must be a new version call "Caffeine Free Diet Mountain Dew".

Shamoopie and I went to Target and I have to have some Dew for my morning commute. It's the only way I survive it. We buy a fridge pack and while I am loading it into the car she asks why did you buy caffeine free?

What? Caffeine Free! What's the point? You drink the stuff for the caffeine. Not because you like the taste. It has the same amount of caffeine as four cups of coffee. Making it caffeine free is ridiculous and stupid. What moron though to of this? Wait I am blaming this on one person. This smells of group effort. I bet it was done by committee. Things always work better by committee. Wrong!

So we stopped by the local grocery store so I could get some Dew and all they have is caffeine free also. I hate you PepsiCo. and your committees that ruin all the fun.

Next they will try and put vitamins in the Dew just like they did to diet coke. As my neighbor says "Bastardos".

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Scary, scary....

I was frightened today and it's not even Halloween yet! I opened an ebay listing for an amplifier and saw this ...
Take a close look at the picture. There are more of her on the listing. Remember he is trying to sell a guitar amplifier. All of his listings have really scary women in them. Dean guitars in the 70s would include good looking woman in their adds. But they were good looking and they caught hell from the woman movement so they stopped for a while. They are back now with guitars made in Korea and guess what...the bitches are back.

I was expecting to see a Matchless amp. My first thought were "Get your ass off the amp I want to look at it." I bet the amp now has "skank stank" all over it. You know that funky stripper smell that leaves a puddle when the woman exits the room. At least she didn't show me her tattoos! I bet there is a tramp stamp on there somewhere.

Here is her sister, she plays guitar...

Monday, August 6, 2007

Cell Phones and Crazy People

Growing up just outside New York city. Say it with me now in a southern drall, "New York City". You could tell who the crazy people were. They were dressed funny and would walk around talking to themselves. The state mental institutions would let people out once or twice a year when they were running low on funding and it seemed that they all of these people ended up in the city.

Mostly you avoided them. Sometimes they would steal your Coke cans while you where sitting at a table eating in Little Italy. You didn't try to chase them down because they were talking to themselves. You knew they were crazy. They left you alone if you left them alone. They had problems and you knew it.

Tonight there was a guy sitting in his car in a parking lot with engine running and the AC on because it's 101 degrees outside and he is just talking to himself. Is he crazy? Maybe. But he did have a thing stuck in is ear. Maybe he was on a cell phone? You see these people everywhere they are walking around and just talking up a storm. Sometimes it looks like they are talking to you. I feel like De Niro(ing) them and asking..."you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?". But then I would seem crazy.

So now a person who walks around talking to themselves may not be crazy? Maybe. So now I do the same thing I did before. I leave them alone and they leave me alone. Some how it still works.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Trim the trim


If you are going to show your whoo whoo out in public please take the time to trim it up! The Shamoop and I were eating at a restaurant at the mall the other night (since we don't have a kitchen yet) and the "lady" at the table across from us decided to show us her whoo whoo. We say it at about the same time. She knew I saw it and I knew she knew I saw it.

The couple was an older couple and looked to be out on a date. She was wearing a very short skirt and he was wearing god awful plaid pants. She must have had plans for later or just enjoyed showing her whoo whoo. She sat on the bench across from us and just opened her legs. At least she could have cleaned it up a bit. Shamoop and I were trying to eat. It was difficult not to laugh at the site of an older woman showing her whoo whoo in public.

If I were going to wear a kilt and have Mr. Happy hanging out I would at least do some Manscaping to help Mr. Happy look his best for the outing!

Blinded by the light,
Manfred Man

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Nice, but why so much?


I have a question. Why so much for this guitar? I have played a few in my day and some have been wonderful. But that much for a used guitar. Wow. How much are they new? It's also black, cool but very different for an acoustic.


Sunday, July 29, 2007

Doggy Heaven

Lovely loves dogs. She loves all kinds of dogs. She has one here with us and one at her mother's house. So while Shamoopie was out of town. Lovely (who is 11) and I agreed to dog sit for some friends of ours. They have two very nice dogs that get along just fine with the two we have here. One of our dogs is Shamoopie's dog but that is a whole other story. She is not just a dog. She is the smartest dog I have ever seen and Shamoopie and she are Extremely codependent. The dog was more depressed that Shamoopie was gone that I was.

Lovely normally sleeps with her dog but since Shamoopie was out of town all the dogs got to sleep with her in her room. She asked for it. She got it. Lovely was in doggy heaven. She had all the dogs.

What she didn't realize was that no one gets to sleep in doggy heaven. Because dogs are always moving and every time Lovely would move one the dogs would whine to be petted. Or a dog would jump on or off the bed. One of the visiting dogs has the ability to take all the pets you can give her and then ask for more, even if it is three o'clock in the morning. The other dogs then wanted to check and see what the other dog is getting and well needless to say Lovely didn't get any sleep or at least not as much as she wanted. She had to move dogs all night and tell them to lie down. Chase them off her bed. I bet it was funny to watch. Too bad I was fast asleep in the other room. :)

The next night Lovely only wanted two dogs and the other two stayed with me. Things seemed to go much better with only two dogs and both of us slept well.

So much for doggy heaven.

She's back

Shamoopie is back. Hurray! She has informed me that Blogher was a success and that she had fun. Even if she did miss me, a little. I picked her up at the airport and could hardly lift the bag full of SWAG that she got. (I think I hurt my back!)

So far I don't think that I have heard all the stories or seen all the bills from this thing yet. But I will, I will. Apparently Amy Sedaris is crafty. Who knew. ;)

Well anyway I am glad that she is finally back. It seemed like forever that she was gone.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Kiss this

Paul Stanley of the band Kiss had to back out of a show because of heart problems. He probably just got a look at Ace Frehley without his makeup. :)

Friday, July 27, 2007

They left one out...

The Spice girls are getting back together. They have left one out of the group. They left out the Shamoopie Spice. She can sing and play the piano at the same time. In high heels! Dancing may be a problem. :)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Shamoopie...I miss you

Most of you may know that Shamoopie is not at home. You are probably with her at the conference. I miss her already. She apparently did not want me to feel so lonely since she has left me a little surprise like this....

It is a picture of Andy Summers from the band The Police. On the same Guitar Player cover that she followed me around the house with. This time it says "Thanks for coming to my concert. Sorry I was rude before. I'm a bitter little man."

I found it in the master bathroom on the mirror above my sink. I believe that it was left there so I wouldn't miss it. I am afraid to look anywhere else in the house. :)

I miss you Shamoopie. I love you. You all need to be nice to her at this conference.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

20th Post

It is fitting that my 20th post is about what happened a year ago today. The sweetest woman in the world married me. For me it has been the best year of my life.

We did it on the spur of the moment because of all the turmoil going on around us and for me it was my best decision ever.

I love you Shamoopie! Happy Anniversary.

