Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Granny Dancing

I have coined a new term. "Granny Dancing" or "Granny Dancin" which ever you prefer.

What it refers to are the moves that older women do at shows when they can't get down and shake it anymore. There was an enormous amount of it at the show. Most of the women were over 40 and some looked to be in their 50s at least.

They kind of move back and forth and side to side in their "space" and never really doing much of anything. Like I said there were many of them there and they seemed to run in packs. Like at one time they all went to see Styx and now that the children have left home they are out to party like it's 1999. Wait a minute that was Prince.

Some of them actually brought their children. It was strange and wonderful to see all at the same time. They move like they are afraid that they might break a hip.

Well anyway, I call it Granny Dancing. You will know it when you see it. Whenever older women start dancing to the music by themselves.

1 comment:

Marty, a.k.a. canape said...

That picture is perfect - because they did that one arm and pointing to the sky thing the whole time!

