Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Punjab and Lahore

This is a term for something that shall remain nameless. I thought that it was just a reference to something that someone made up. Apparently I am wrong again. It is also a town in Pakistan called Lahore Punjab. The city is named Lahore and is part of Punjab speaking province. Yes it is pronounced "La whore Poon jab" or maybe "Poon jab la whore". I get confused from laughing so hard.

I can hear the conversations now "where are you going?" "I am headed to see what is going on with Lahore and maybe talk some Punjab."

"Punjab" by the way is the name that Shamoopie gave to a a woman that thought that I was cute.

1 comment:

Bubblewench said...

I can't even comment, i'm laughing so hard!

