Monday, August 27, 2007

David Spade of Rock and Roll

OK. Shamoopie and I went to see Styx tonight as part of the show they did with Def Leppard and Foreigner.

At the Sytx poing in the show Shamoopie and I turned to each other and said "The David Spade of Rock and Roll". Tommy Shaw looks like David Spade, only of Rock and Roll. They might even be the same person.

Here is our proof.



Take a good close look. This is conclusive evidence that the two of them are in fact the same person. Think about it. You never see them together. They are both little guys with blond hair. Your honor, we rest our case. God bless America. :)


Marty, a.k.a. canape said...

You know how there is Mini Kiss?

Styx could have a cover band of average sized people to contrast with all the tiny tiny men in their band.

It could be called Styx on Stilts.

Bubblewench said...

OMG. YOU ARE RIGHT! How did we in the general public never notice!!??

Fancy Pants said...

I am not sure how it happened but I feel the 'general public' needs to know.

