Saturday, November 3, 2007

Old people suck at the symphony

Tonight we had tickets to the symphony. There was no one there under the age of 50 besides us. Old people smell. Forget the cute little old ladies that you see on tv. There were no golden girls at this event. The ones that didn't smell like they bathed in perfume smelled like Bengay and Old Spice.

Shamoopie had to go to the bathroom and one old woman almost knocked her down to get there first. She pushed a pregnant woman to the ground so she could be the first to pee. Awesome. Next time granny wear your depends.

On the way out all we heard was complaining about the two twentieth century pieces that were played. They were the only good pieces. The tuba and the flutes were out of tune for the other piece. Old people can't tell when things are out of tune because they are wearing hearing aids. They gave the las piece a standing ovation. They didn't give Branford Marsalis a standing ovation for his part of the second piece. The old people probably didn't even know who he was.

Then while we were trying to drive out of the parking lot the same people that were complaining about the music tried to race us to the light and cut us off in there Subaru Forester. This guy who looked like he was ninty wanted to drag race us. Shamoopie was laughing so hard while she was looking at the guy I guess he changed his mind. Or maybe it was the fact that I revved the engine and it growled at him. The car is pretty loud and it's supercharged. :) Either way the Shamoop got a good laugh out of it.

No more Saturday night concerts at the symphony. We are only going on Friday nights from now on.

Shamoop pointed to one old guy and said..."Hey he looks like a game show host". I told her " yeah a dead one". He did too, not kidding.


Freddie L Sirmans, Sr. said...

Just browsing. You have a very interesting blog.

Bubblewench said...

OMG! I hate going to shows with those people! Part of why I stopped going out period!

Brandford Marsalis is pretty amazing no? I have seen him play a few times. Awesome.

