Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Birth Center visit

Shamoopie and I went to the birth center. She informed you about the re-spite and my error in just looking at the pictures and not reading the captions. I was board anyway. She also talked about the teamster who kept asking food questions.

He was all over how he was going to eat. He did ask how long this usually takes and if they allowed smoking. The answer was "It's depends" and "No". Shamoopie and I both were happy about the smoking answer. I think she asked when they were due? Luckily it was soon. It's their third child. Thankfully they are reproducing because we need more people like that.

The teamster also spent the whole movie filling out a union complaint form. (They sat next to us)

The rooms are new and the whole experience really depends upon your nurse. The nurses were all too busy to give the tours so we had a Papa clone give ours. He mumbled and told us stories about how bad all his other tour groups were.

1 comment:

Bubblewench said...

Wow. Were you guys really on the same tour?

