Thursday, August 30, 2007

My art

Remember. It's all about me. Me, me, me, me and oh

If you are truly narcissistic you can have art made out of your DNA, sort of.

These people will send you a kit to allow you to take a swab of your mouth and then they will make art out of it to make your room decor. I would like to see Sherwin Williams beat that! Then you will have something else to talk about besides yourself. Oh wait, I will still be talking about me when I talk about my new painting.

I wouldn't want my DNA. I wonder if Britney would submit to a swab? Or maybe Justin? :)


Bubblewench said...

Can't you just spit a huge lougie on the wall put a frame around it and call it art? Wouldn't that be way cheaper? Same concept.

Andria said... THIS is why you were on Britney Spears' website! lol... funny! Oh, and congrats on the little man! I am so excited for you two!

