Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Pregnancy Brain

I never thought that it existed. But it does. It's a condition that affects a woman when she gets pregnant.

Shamoopie has been making me my lunch since I started my new job. She did a great job of including variety and nutrition. Until she got pregnant that is.

So today I get my lunch and I eat my sandwich. It was good. Nothing special. The chips were nice and so were the carrots. I even got some banana bread that she made yesterday. That was great. So I decided to eat my raspberries for snack at 2pm. I like an afternoon snack.

I went to the coffee shop and bought a soda. On my way there I called shamoopie and thated her for the nice lunch and asked how her day was going. When I got back to my desk I tried one of the raspberries and it didn't taste right. So like the genius that I am I tried another. I had to spit it out. I then took a closer look at all the raspberries. They were rotten.

In the trash they went. It did remind of the time a few weeks earlier when I open my lunch and found a granola bar. Not much else, just a partially eaten granola bar. I went out for lunch that day and when I got home I asked Shamoopie if she was mad at me. She said "No, why do you ask?" I don't know maybe it was the fact that you gave me a half eaten granola bar for lunch. She just started laughing and said that she was sorry and that it wasn't for my lunch it was left over from her lunch the day before and she was wonder what had happened to it.

Hense the proof that pregnancy brain does exist. When I got home tonight I asked her when she had purchased the raspberries and she said "oh about a week or two ago. We have more.... see. Why do you ask?" I asked he to look at them and all she could say was "yoooooooo...yuck".

Again pregnancy brain. A non-pregnant Shamoopie would not have that reaction.

She is still adorable.


Bubblewench said...

If you're such a genius, why don't you pack your own lunch?

Love the granola bar though! Too damn funny.

I pack my HM's lunch and he doesn't eat all his snacks. One time he had snack cakes and they got smashed in his lunch. I gave them to him every day for a month until he finally threw them away. They were crumbs in plastic by then.

Fancy Pants said...

rrrrrrrr your an evil wench

