Sunday, July 29, 2007

Doggy Heaven

Lovely loves dogs. She loves all kinds of dogs. She has one here with us and one at her mother's house. So while Shamoopie was out of town. Lovely (who is 11) and I agreed to dog sit for some friends of ours. They have two very nice dogs that get along just fine with the two we have here. One of our dogs is Shamoopie's dog but that is a whole other story. She is not just a dog. She is the smartest dog I have ever seen and Shamoopie and she are Extremely codependent. The dog was more depressed that Shamoopie was gone that I was.

Lovely normally sleeps with her dog but since Shamoopie was out of town all the dogs got to sleep with her in her room. She asked for it. She got it. Lovely was in doggy heaven. She had all the dogs.

What she didn't realize was that no one gets to sleep in doggy heaven. Because dogs are always moving and every time Lovely would move one the dogs would whine to be petted. Or a dog would jump on or off the bed. One of the visiting dogs has the ability to take all the pets you can give her and then ask for more, even if it is three o'clock in the morning. The other dogs then wanted to check and see what the other dog is getting and well needless to say Lovely didn't get any sleep or at least not as much as she wanted. She had to move dogs all night and tell them to lie down. Chase them off her bed. I bet it was funny to watch. Too bad I was fast asleep in the other room. :)

The next night Lovely only wanted two dogs and the other two stayed with me. Things seemed to go much better with only two dogs and both of us slept well.

So much for doggy heaven.

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