Thursday, June 5, 2008

Shania Twain is going through a rough time ...

In case you didn't know...

Shania Twain is going through a rough time right now. She and Mutt are getting a divorce. Divorce is bad, I should know. I went through one myself. It's difficult but you get through it and you usually come out better on the other side like I did. You find yourself a Shamoopie and you move on with your life. I hope that Shania can find herself a Shamoopie.

Shamoopie also had a rough day today. We went to the pool and the guy with the pony tail stared at her boobs until his wife smacked him on the head. You see we all have it rough sometimes. Shamoopie had it rough cause of the staring and he had it rough cause his wife smacked him in the head. Of course he will probably have to sleep on the couch tonight because of it. Which is rough. So you see pony tail man also has it rough. Not as rough as Shania Twain. Poor Shania, she probably needs a neck massage.

It all evens out in the end.

Shamoopie was wondering if I noticed pony tail man. Of course I did it was difficult not to. She didn't notice him get smacked on the head, I did. :)

It's not wasy being me.

1 comment:

Bubblewench said...

Be happy it wasn't you getting smacked in the head.

