Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The reason for the blog ...Steven Seagal

Shamoopie and I are watching TV the other night and there is this Steven Seagal (SS) movie on. The movie was called "Fire Down Below". Now the movie being your typical SS movie. SS plays Jack Taggart your typical EPA employee. I used to contract with the EPA and I remember all the employees acting like Steven. The movie is your typical guy flick. It had your fighting and your shooting, your arm breaking and general ass kickin. All the better for me. I am down with all of that. Shamoopie is ok ith it every now and again.

What you didn't expect was the singin. Yep SS is a singer and a guitar player. He has a guitar collection. Go to his website and read it for yourself. SS is also a song writer also. He has songs like "Alligator Ass" and "Talk to my ass". Basically he's got your ass covered in song.

So I was looking at his website after watching some of the videos and almost dying. He makes the statement that he has played with Howling Wolf. So on the website there are pictures of SS all over the place he has one of him with a Panda. When I saw the picture of SS with the panda I lost it. It looks like he's talking to it. Telling it things like..."I am going to rub you like this" and "Then I am going to touch you like that" and "now I am going to stick it in your..." well you get the idea. Maybe he was just talking to his ass? Maybe.

I just couldn't hold back anymore. I had to tell someone besides Shamoopie. So now I will blog when I find these things.


Bubblewench said...

that is too funny! Didn't see any 'fat' pictures of him on that website, and that is one of the worst movies!!

Fancy Pants said...

He has put on a few pounds but I still would not try to piss him off.

