Thursday, June 12, 2008

Shamoopie and the Wizard

I am starting to believe that Shamoopie is jealous of my relationship with the Alltel Wizard. You Google Alltel Wizard and I am now the number one return. She says that she is going to start blogging about him just to steal my thunder.

I say, Long Live the Wizard!

Shamoopie....I love you.

1 comment:

Bubblewench said...

I hate you blogger..

I wrote this amazingly awesome funny comment to this damn post.. Scott will testify! And I got an error from blogger..

ANYWAY I was trying to say we are slightly confused by your infatuation with the Wizard! Long gray hair, robe, big stick! Did you go to to Hogworts? Were you raised Catholic?

We need to discuss this further.. you know my personal connection to the situation.. the Wizard works with me.

NO, that just wasn't as funny as the first.. damn. Whatever.

